Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a traffic exchange?
A traffic exchange site like this allows you to receive visitors to your website just by viewing other members websites!

Why do I sometimes see a site a number of times in a row?
We offer new visitors free credits for signing up. Sometimes when only one user has credits in the exchange only one site will be shown. This is not an error, it is the only site that currently has credits and therefore eligible to be shown.

How can I earn more credits?
You can earn credits by viewing sites. Occasionally a bonus link will appear in the surfbar, if you click on it you can earn bonus credits for watching the sites! Additionally you can purchase credits or a membership upgrade to get even more visitors to your site(s).

How else can I earn more credits?
You can also earn more credits by advertising your referral link. You will get bonus credits for every unique visitor to your referral link PLUS more bonus credits if they sign up PLUS 0.5 credits for every site they view after they signup!

What kind of websites are allowed?
The traffic exchange is used by people of all ages and therefore any pages submitted should be acceptable for a general audience.

Why was my site suspended?
If your site was suspended it was probably because the site had popups, breaks frames, or was otherwise unacceptable for a general audience or the traffic exchange.

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